


20 X 20”
Original Linocut Print

2 layers reduction in gray, final layer in metallic silver, on black


Two years ago, I took a photo of an outcropping while hiking at Iceberg Point, Lopez Island in Washington. There are some wonderful geological formations to be found on that southern point. I’m fascinated by the rippling and layers of the rocks. The force of glaciers over thousands of years has twisted and turned the rock resulting in this wonderful texture.

I adjusted my photo and extracted 4 layers: shadows (the paper is the darkest part), two medium layers and a bright layer that catches the highlights. The two medium toned layers are a two layer reduction, the highlights are a separate block offset a bit from the bottom layers, but still aligned with the photo.

This one was a real labor of love. The carving time was pretty insane and really pushed my abilities.

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